Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday May 5 2014

Today is the 5th of May, it is a celebration of the independence of Mexico. When I was leaving in France (Grenoble) there was a large community from Mexico, and there use to be a gathering of people celebrating the event. It was a quite a generous barbecue well organized and well directed. Everybody was bringing something to share and we all a good time. It was a day of celebration so no alcohol was involved nor any behavior that wasn't  accepted by the usual and normal action in the society

Yesterday my wife Simona  came to visit me. She came with her mom Anna, and Chicco and Lapo, also know as the broccoli

We originally wanted to go to do recycle but ultimately we all forgot about it. Simona came late as Chicco had catechism at church. Chicco is doing first communion and confirmation all together at the local church S.Bede  in  La Canada

I is alright,I will do it next time
We took the boys to target. Whenever we are going over there they came out with a small purchase
Lapo got his Lego set 

and  Chicco got is Pokemon card holder 

Simona came with her mom Anna (the picture above shows Anna's shoulder as in the car she was sitting  next to Chicco)

Earlier during the day I went to walk with Tom and Ernesto to grab a byte at Denny's

I wisely choose Salmon, with rice and broccoli 
( we call our sons the broccoli.. so it was a more than appropriate lunch in view of the visit from my family)

Afterward I went to church at S.Francis 
Over there I met LIZ, Liz  is the mom of both  Briana and Daniel. Briana has left CNS and now she is working in a center for autistic children. Daniel is still at CNS and works with another patient at CNS
Anyway it was great to meet Liz and to know that both their kids are doing well

Today a the clinic I had a bunch of papers to print and to deliver to the therapists
Lisa helped me to retrieve them and I used Google scholar to search the topics that the different therapists were interested upon. Everybody they will be busy for a while to read the papers we were able to provide them

Anyway, it is all good what end up well.
Today I am planning to to go to do  kickboxing at the gym. Today is Christie's turn
On Saturday I met Larry and Janice at the gym and Larry recommended me to buy cranberry juice and vodka
So on Saturday I got the cranberry juice 
Actually I don't like Vodka
Best Regards
Happy 5th of May to everybody
I need to go 
Best Regards
Giuseppe :)

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