Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday May 29 posting

My new apartment is ready, it is number 321. As a result of the move I did not go to the gym yesterday, oh well next time anyway.

The staff was astonishingly helpful with the move,  and everybody loaned a piece of its time to help.  I love moving around the complex as I can see that everybody is helping me-  a poor TBI patient recovery from his (or her) stroke.
My new cell  has all amenities and goodies that a recovery room needs to have. The shower curtain got a problem this morning, and Caesar  was  notified by James who is the maintenance supervisor to fix it.So I bet when I will get back to my recovery room it will be fixed.

In the new unit there is a luxurious accommodation really well suited for two patients. My staff is all blue and the other inmate's staff is green.
My  second patient roommate is quite a laissez-faire person, so  I took the lead in getting organized in the new place. I got all my utensil from the old unit, including knife and pots. Well the knifes are quite important as a good cutting tool is important to cook.
The fridge is really wide and well suited for two people, as per the picture below CNS did not spare on the appliances, congratulation CNS you managed to overdoing yourself.

I don't get people that don't know how to get organized around a situation  as mentioned earlier  today I took the lead, as I always I am taking the lead in life. I don't care about the other, I am a naturally born leader. Are you a leader or a follower?

when you have to take control of a situation or making decision for other people some of those are naturally unpopular, it is the coarse and bless of being a leader.  Followers were born to be followers anyway, all they can do is to follow the steps of the front runner.

my breakfast as not been much different from yesterday's one.
Always under Simona's watch.

Ain't worth spending much time on it. anyway. Suffice saying " J'ai bein buffe" " (in France La buffe is the pasture and it is used as a slang to indicate the animal food in itself).

Anyway Simona was curious to hear about the accommodation and has been checking on me. She is doing her best from a distance, and she is busy running her life, while I am busy surviving all the CNS adventures.

Alright as you can see I clap my hand on you all guys, I maintain my view that in Guantanamo unlawful combatant had a better treatment that the CNS inmate. Inshallah..

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