Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday May 16 posting

yesterday we went to the 24hour fitness gym in Gosfoard road

I did Zumba with  Mike the cycle with Lolita
I love this place

Anyway I was happy as Dajanna helped me taking this picture with the staff
On my left Naomi the Manager, then  Lidian (her cat Furby is doing fine) the Holly and finally Carlos.
We all stood there with a  thumb up in sign of support.

 You see they are all big fans of my recovery and of mine getting better. Also I have to acknowledge the instructor and the people of Bakersfield that I normally meet at the gym. Everybody is very positive with me and helps me push ahead.
So I wake up earlier today to say Thank you to everybody.

Simona my wife is still on a trip to Germany she called me yesterday and our sons (the broccooli) where at Taekwondo.
In Germany she is attending a workshop organized by Bijorn her thesis avisor at UCLA .
Bijorn is now in Germany leading the institute for Atmospheric Research in Berlin.
I am glad Simona had the chance to meet with him.
At home the broccoli are well taken care by Anna, while Marina our nanny shuttle them to their different activities.. In a way I am like our broccoli, the CNS shuttle me to my different actvities during the day so that Simona care take care of business.
Alright thank you for reading and thank you CNS.. in particular thank you Sarah my always great Case Manager.. also Renee my RTC is acknowledged for her infinite patience.
And now let's start my day.
Giuseppe and family

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