Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday May 27 2014

Alright, let's start with order.
Simona came to visit me on Monday as there was no school. Since our eldest son Chicco was busy completing is research project, only Lapo and Simona came to visit me. Chicco was home working with Anna my mother in law, and Simona's mom. Chicco has been working on a research project about the Chumash Native American tribe that once resides along the coast of California toward Ventura and S. Luis Obisbo all the way up to S.Barbara.  I had the chance of talking with Chicco on the phone and to make sure that he was OK. I am sure and confident that he is doing a good job as the whole family is cheering for his success.

Yesterday it was really hot here in Bakersfield. Lapo was feeling the really hot weather and was slouching on his seat since we went to Starbucks with Simona. Lapo had to eat something as he did not have any lunch.

So Simona took us to eat over there.

While over there I got the chance of tasting a good Frappuccino caramel macchiato.. 
You see me happy with my cap!

Afterward we all went to get a frozen yogurt to a place called Wild Berry Yogurt
It is a nice and refreshing place we normally hit when Simona is in town.

Lapo got his treat per the pictures below: 

 And of course I have contributed to my happiness by eating my good and small portion of frozen yogurt

Afterward we went to a cooler place to do some shopping for the boys and finally to Target.

 At Target Lapo had to do some shopping. He really had to get a particular Lego box that was really waiting for him. 

He really looked carefully among all the boxes.You see he had a budget to maintain as Anna, my mother in law, had given him a certain amount of money to spend. So he had to choose carefully and Simona helped him a lot.

Finally he was happy as he managed to find the box he was looking for.

Once at the apartment he started opening the box, but Simona was quicker in preventing him to make a big mess and  in making sure Lapo did not leave any piece of Lego behind.

Simona got me something for me as well.. It is a gizmo for holding my egg in the morning. 
In the morning I boil an egg in water and it cooks a la coque

Anyway, today I have been paid by Michael, I have also been doing yoga with Amy. Her daughters are fine, her husband is also well.  she is taking her daughters to Disneyland for a family vacation.

Today I have also been paid by Michael, the treasurer. Thank you Michael, Sarah and all CNS
I need to go.
Have a great reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.
Best Regards

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