Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday May 25 2014

Alright, I need to back track a bit about my Saturday. As  usual on the first day of the weekend I take care of cleaning the house, and washing all the clothes that have accumulated. Then afterward we go do to grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

It is a nice place, over time I have become friends with everybody.
In particular there are a few people I would like to acknowledge:

First of all is  Jamie, her pictured below:

Jamie is always busy, like Simona. She has a little 2.5 years old boy, his name is Logan. Yesterday she told me that she cut his hair by herself. Jamie has also a 5 years old  daughter, her name is Delaney. Actually Delaney will turn five in July. Thus far Delaney is home schooled as she is Type 1 diabetic. So their parents (Jamie and Thorn) are checking on her food intake. However her family is fine.
Jamie is always cheerful and happy to see me, we exchange information about our families. She is always asking about Simona and our sons,or as we call them "Broccoli".

Jamie makes sure that I am following my list carefully, and she is always telling me that because of me, Trader Joe's does not carry any longer any beer! She is so careful with me and my correct dieting.

then is Lisa, pictured with me: I don't know much about her, except that she is always happy to see me.

Finally we have my good friend  Andy. He is a good guy and he is always happy to see me over there.

Well on Saturday I went on a spending spree, as I overshoot my budget by at  least 60%.

Anyway what is done is done. Let's move on on yesterday afternoon.

On Saturday it is movie night. We went to see the following nice movie

Blended is  a nice comedy about  two stranger  people finding themselves together  on  a trip to Africa with their respective kids. Despite all the appearances and the unusual situation they manage to have fun together with their kids.  While their kids are blossoming in Africa, the two adults -played by Sandler, and Drew Barrymore  are finding that they are getting closer together  Also they find  that romance is growing strong and changes their behavior.once they come back home to US, they discover that they miss each others, and they are ready to change their life to get back together.
A nice movie I met Betty  and Shawn. Betty is a good friend of mine, and also a patient at CNS while Shawn is  the guy I normally meet at the Maya.

Coming back to my own family, today I talked to Anna my mother in law, and to Chicco our eldest son.  Simona and Lapo, my wife and our second son now 5, were still sleeping. As it is a Saturday let them sleep as once they are awaken they need to get going.

Chicco is working with Anna at a research project about the Chumash people, a native American tribe that  lived along the coast of California, toward Ventura and Santa Barbara. They were very modern as they were using some kind of money for their trades. They were using shells and small pearl as exchange valuable for their trades.
Well I am sure Chicco is doing a good job with Anna's supervision. As Chicco is busy reversing is work with Anna, it is best that only Simona and Lapo will come to visit me tomorrow.

Well today I was shaving myself, and as I was not satisfied with the razor, I checked in the closet for the old razor. So I am very happy to tell you that the old razor works just fine. I bet Simona is going to be exited by the news that I blow a bunch of money on a new razor that I did not needed. Well I think this is not the least of her worry, right now she is worried about putting me back together.

Well, I think having a clean shave is a step in  the right direction. At least I can go around with a clean trimmed facial hair. Well, you see I don't like to be poorly groomed. So here it is, I am happy as I look good!

Switching gear, I also called back home my mom. She leaves in Verona, Italy. She is doing fine, yesterday she had a slow day, as my brother Francesco decided to go on a ride with his bike and Sara- his soon wife-to-be. My mom walked a bit around our house in Italy, as she had no friends to walk with, she was feeling a bit lonely. Well, this morning I talked to her, and we laughed about my little adventures in Bakersfield. My mom always asks about Simona ,my wife, and our two kids, also she inquires about Anna's help with Chicco. My mom is always happy to hear from my adventures and to hear about my little activities at CNS. She mentions that she was reading a good book about Schopenhauer. a philosopher.

My mom likes reading these books. I prefer to read my weekly magazine the Economist.
Well as they say Tot capita tot sententiae, which loosely means that as we are all different we all like different things. Well this is our strength.

I forgot to mention that yesterday as usual I wrote to Chicco and Lapo, to Chicco in English and block letters, and to Lapo a small drawing with some simple letters.

I think I am going to write to Simona as well, between today and tomorrow I am going to write her a little nice letters.

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed blogging my activities.

Best Regards

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