Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday May 18 morning third posting

Simona sent me an email saying that everything is well and that tomorrow she will be home  to he kids, she is coming back from a conference in Germany organized by her thesis supervisor Bjorn. He is a really good person and a friend of our family. Simona had a great time with Bjorn when she was doing her PhD at UCLA University.

This is a picture of Bjorn at his institute in Germany.

Today as I mentioned to you I feel great, I went to the park to walk for a mile and I enjoyed my walk. As it is a nice day, with mild temperature this morning I was happy that it is not too hot. I checked the local temperature and  today it is mild day in Southern California. Of course I let Darla know about  my whereabouts. She mentioned it was fine.

While at the park I found traces of the Leprechauns.. he is always having some party over there. It is fine as I then pick up the recycle that he is leaving behind... :) You see whenever I found a beer bottle it is always the Leprechauns having a party.
Well we all know that it is a mythical creature and  it is always used to kid around with the people from CNS.. I like taking about the Leprechauns anyway.

Switching gear, Ernesto this morning gave me more recyclable to do. He mentioned that his family is fine, her daughter Jahaida and his son Diego are busy playing tennis. They are very busy like Chicco and Lapo our sons.
Ernesto is a very nice person always smiling and courteous with me. He is doing better and better. Well our conversation are short as he is very focused keeping up with everybody on the phone and  always we talk about  our spouses and our kids. Ernesto is a good friend of mine.

Today my day is a wonderful day. I will be doing recyclable at half past noon, then I will be going to the local church, S.Francis on H Street.

 Over there I always meet people that I know. Hopefully today I will meet Briana, with her mam Lucy. I met them yesterday at Trader Joe's and we cheered all together. Among us it is a friend of them coming from New Jersey. I did not capture her name. She is a obviously a good person since she came from the East Cost all the way here  in California.

Briana is Daniel's sister a person that works here at CNS. Anyway they are all fine.
As you can see from this image we are all a group of good friend respecting each other and being happy to be together.
Well every place I go I normally bump into person I estimate and trust. So when appropriate they are always posing for a picture with me.
Well have a great day.
Thank you for reading this post of mine. It is a Sunday so forgive me for forcing you all to do some extra work.
As you have realized by now posting my Journey is always a good exercise for me.
Thank you for reading.
God Bless. 
Giuseppe and family.


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