Monday, May 12, 2014

Sunday May 11 barbecue

Alright, my weekend was really filled with nice and courteous people.
On Saturday I did the usual routine of taking care of the house and of my shopping. I have already posted extensively about these days. I admit I am a workaholic, as you can imagine I like to stay busy.

on Sunday we barbecued in the park, over there I met Luz and Brian. They are Daniel's parents.

I discovered in taking to them that I share all my medical history with Daniel, from the Santa Barbara   Cardiovascular Center, to Dr. Zoner our neurosurgeon.

Well it is a long history shared together and he made me feel that we are both blessed to be here.

On Sunday, I went to do recycle here in Bakersfield.
I had quite a few items so it was a good day to be outside and to make a few bucks.
In addition I met Michael who was really busy and helped around a bit.
Yesterday on Sunday I went to S. Francis church. Over there I met Luz. She is Briana'mom.
Briana used to work at CNS and now she is working at a different clinic with autistic children.

Luz is also Daniel's mom. 
Luz mentioned to me that she is going trough some hard personal time and that her faith is helping a lot to go trough life. You know in Life you need to trust in people and in God as otherwise without trust one in feeling lost. 
I trust God, also I know that everybody at CNS is looking over me to make sure I am getting better. And I am most definitely better than ever.
For instance, I know that Larry and Janice picture below are part of my inner circle of friend watching over my well being. 

I normally meet them in the community and I am sure it is not a coincidence. As mentioned to you I met them as well at the movie on Saturday, they well sitting next to me making sure I watched the whole movie and that on Sunday I was going to church. I believe that Sarah has something to do about it, or maybe I read too much into these coincidence, and God has something to do as well. Either way it is all good, I appreciate them being with me and watching over me like two guardian  angels

Well today I mentioned the maintenance guys if they find my car I need to chance the oil
Brad answered I should use a certain oil that does not require that maintenance
You see I believe this is my car but  can't find the key nor my credit car to fill up the gas
So for the time being I am going to use the bus :)
It is alright I have time to search

I  need to go!
Have a good day

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