Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday may 24 2014

Alright it is a beautiful day in Southern California.
It is getting really hot, the swimming pool at the CNS is finally open.

Anyway this in my entry for today's blog:

I have received a package that comes from the pharmacy. It is addressed  to me and it contains my growth hormone shot that I need to take everyday. Once it is opened it last only 30 days. So I am receiving a new package every end of each month. I normally notify Simona and Sarah, that everything is under control.

I had a very yummy breakfast this morning, together with my family.
It is a nutritious and enjoyable meal.  A balanced mix of fat, carbs, and raw sugar.

I have been devoting my self to the usual routine of the Saturday morning, which includes cleaning the house and doing the washing of my clothes and of the bed sheets.   The most challenging task and the most funny for me is to fold my clothes and to make sure that my socks do match indeed. Whenever I found a socks of unknown origin, I put in on the side resting assure that soon or later I will find the other one.
This morning I was kidding with Anna, my mother in law about the always missing sock. She was telling me that her husband Franco always had a missing sock somewhere. Franco was a very nice and enjoyable person. I think Simona- my lovely wife- got a lot from her dad.

This morning at 10:30am  we went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. Over there I always buy some good food. Beside I like the place as I have become friend with all the people working over there.
I am typically hopping in a healthy and good way. As usual I met Andy, who loaned me a few months ago some money and afterward I have promptly repaid him back. I greeted Jamie, Kanvas and everybody. Also I normally stop to chat with Jamie who works over there. Jamie is a very nice person who looks after my shopping. Anyway Jamie was telling me that she just cut the air to her boy Logan who is 2.5 year old. Her daughter Delaney is going to be 5 in July. Delaney is home schooled as she is diabetic (type 1). Her doctor says that Delaney is doing very well. Her husband Thorn is also doing well.
The whole  family is going to a friend's house for memorial weekend.

Anyway Jamie has become a good friend of mine, and while we chat she is always inquiring about Simona and our kids.

Today I went on a grocery spending spree and as a result got a bill for $121.29; well it is quite above my $75 sealing but what is done is done.
I have done anyway some healthy shopping.
Of course Jamie mentioned that at Trader  Joe's they don't carry any longer any beer because of me!   
You see everybody is looking after me and as a result you can't find any longer  any beer at Trader Joe's.

Anyway as I have brought my bags, Simona's number got entered in the raffle. Also I have remembered to get stickers for Ian, Sara's little son. It has become a memory task to bring stickers to Ian.

Sara is my awesome Case Manager at CNS. She is full of patience and wisdom with me. She understand me a lot better than I do, and she is able to step back a second to consider what is the best course of action for dealing with me. Well anyway, she is awesome and I own her a lot.  

Anyway while at Trader  Joe's I met Margaret who is a lady that I use to meet at S. Francis Church when I was going to do my voluntary job over there. She is a very nice lady indeed.

Well my lunch today as been really healthy. As I had just purchased some Tilapia, I have prepared  "Tilapia alla mugnaia" , that is fish cover in flour and then pan seared in a non sticking pan. It is a good and healthy food.

 As a side I have prepared a healthy salad  which is certainly a perfect match with this high temperature.

I had some quite different plan for lunch as I am reading a cooking book that is full of inspiration for me, but today I went with the Tilapia. Beside our sons Chicco and Lapo love Tilapia.

Today I also have received my favorite magazine, it is The Economist, it is full of news about the world. I like to read it during the day. It is a weekly subscription, so every Saturday I am receiving a new copy.

 Today the swimming pool is open, but I prefer to write to you and to take care of the house. Beside later today I will be going to the movie to see a movie called Blended with Adam Sandler.

It is supposed to be a funny movie, so I like to see something funny. The alternative is a good one, there is the X-man sequel that looks interesting.

I think I will go with the funny movie, it is supposed to be every entertaining and simple like any comedy has to be.

Well I have just called home and talked to Simona, my wife, she mentioned that this morning she took Chicco our eldest son to play tennis with Mike. Afterward she took Lapo our youngest son to have his hair trimmed. Chicco is now 8 years old, while Lapo is 5 years old. The boys are growing up well and strong.
It is all the credit to Simona's effort and to Anna's effort as she has been backing up Simona a lot.
Well Simona mentioned that she is going to send me some pictures of Lapo with his new hair style.

Simona also confirmed me that at home they have received the letter that I sent to her and to the boys. I normally write to the boys during the weekend. A letter for Chicco and a drawing for Lapo. For Chicco the letter is written in English and block letters. For Simona I write her in Italian and I am sure she follows me everywhere.
 Well, my wife is my wife always, I am very proud of her heroic strength and wiliness to cope.
I guess this is my initial entry for today. I will try to get more at a later time. Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing.]
I think I am going to write home.


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