Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday May 3 2012

It is a Saturday here at CNS. As every weekend  I cleaned the all house took care of the laundry- the most difficult task is to pair my socks !  and  then I had a good breakfast

I then went to do Grocery at Trader Joe's where I said hi to everybody, I greeted Jamie and everybody over there. I spent $89 and I did my best to stay low. Jamie mentioned to me that her daughter Delaney is diabetic so for the time being she is home schooled. Both her husband thorn and her son Logan are doing great
 I wnnt with Miss Kincaid who is old enough to drive the bus but not old enough to buy is a joke as I can't buy any beer either
Jamie knows it very well, and all the trader Joe's crew know it very well, so everybody is watching out for me.. nevertheless we always joke about it, this is what I like about the people over there, particularly about Jamie she is always joking with me about the beer I am forgetting to buy

 As I had too much they helped me by putting back a few items. Yesterday at the gym I met Larry and Janice, Larry recommended me to  mix vodka with cranberry juice...
So today I purchased the cranberry juice.. as far as the Vodka goes well, It is still waiting. I have to say I don't like the idea of mixing cranberry juice with Vodka

 I am going with something cold as I am enjoying my "caffe freddo" in the morning. It is a good refreshing beverage to drink in the morning, particularly now that it is getting really hot.

This afternoon the broccoli have their piano recital, Chicco will play a nice piece with both hands and Lapo is going to do his best, you should see him playing with one finger. Well they truly are tying their very best

And in life it is really all you can do trying to do your very best, and then seeing how far you can go with it

After lunch I wrote a nice letter to both Chicco and Lapo, it is in block letter and in English. On the back there is a nice drawing for Lapo as Lapo is a bit behind his reading assignment

Today I am going to see a movie,  it is called the Amazing spider man 2
I heard some mixed review about it, it is supposed to be very entertaining I hope this is the case
You see hey have made some many movies from the Marvell franchise that it is a real fortune for the Marvel that the movie industry has found so much interest in its characters

Well I could go on a bit more but I need to go in a bit
Thank you for reading this blog
Giuseppe and family

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