Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday May 6

Yesterday I worked out at the gym with Larry, he is a good friend of mine.

His wife Janice was also there. You see the picture of them together smiling for the camera.

They have become very good friends of mine
as I was late at the gym I missed Kickboxing with Christie  but then I was able to work out with Larry and then afterward I did Zumba with Susie.

At  the gym they told me my membership  had expired  so today I called them to get my membership number and  Simona  has been prompt  in renewing it for another year.
I love my wife, she is such a wonderful person!
Now I am set for good.

this morning at the park I found a sign of the Leprechaun:  he keeps having parties  without me, it is all good as I don't drink the malt beverage shown in the picture . 

It is alright as it is more glass for me to recycle.
I think the Leprechaun has overheard Larry as he recommended me to drink Cranberry juice with Vodka
Actually I have the Cranberry Juice but as far as the Vodka goes well, let it is out of my reach, beside it is too strong for me

Later this morning Doug dropped by to give me a bunch of recyclable, I have very much appreciate his kindness. As every morning he allows me to trough the trash on his behalf today he surprised me. True friend take care of each others

 Anyway my day is going really well, I keep being a lucky dude overall. In Bakersfield every time I go around I meet somebody I know or somebody that remembers me very well.
After all there aren't too many Italian people in Bakersfield with green-blue eyes. Well speaking of my eyes I have to say... they are only for my wife Simona
She knows and I know it quite well.

Speaking of today I add a really good lunch, I brought Salmon and a yummy salad with Chia seeds and corn. I learnt to eat properly from the local nutritionist who is a really knowledgeable person

This morning at the clinic I did Yoga with Amy. I become friends of her and of her family 
Her daughters (Madison and Olivia) made a nice drawing for me as I made a drawing for the both of them.
I keep the drawing from Amy's daughters at home together with the card from Chicco and Lapo our sons.


Chicco attends III grade and Lapo is busy in pre-K
Lapo is 5 years old and he is always busy 

On Saturday the boy went to a piano recital which was organized by Liz, their piano teacher. 

Alright it is enough for today, It is a constant adventure to get stronger and be better. 
I have to say CNS is very forgiving with everybody, in particular with me. As Sarah -my Case Manager - always tells me: "Giuseppe you are worthy" 
She is showing me over a over that we are all worthy the effort
So it is all good here in Bakersfield
Tomorrow I am going to have a new clean haircut
I will let you know..
Have a good day
Giuseppe and family

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