Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday May 11 afternoon

this is Giuseppe again, it is a nice Sunday of May
The boys are at home with Anna, in full activities, while Simona has landed in Germany where Bjorn is now leaping with his family  and she had a nice dinner with Bijorn, Andrea, Saskia and Annuk (Bjorn's  two teenager daughters).
Earlier today I did recycle, Michael was there, It is a good things to do Recycle as it keeps  the environment clean and healthy.
Beside I had the chance to take some air  as it is a beautiful day in the community. Michael was there and was quite busy today.

For lunch we barbecued with Jame and Laurie, they are two parents of Gabe a patient here at CNS.

Anyway these are  the pictures of me with Jame and Laurie.

We talked about our journey and I discovered that we all went trought the same medical experience
Dr Zoner at S. Barbara Cottage Ospital, and AVM that roptured in the brain, casa Colina.

Well on the positive note today I wrote a letter to the boys: a letter for Chicco in block letter and in English and a small drawing for Lapo our youngest son.

Anyway our kids are well and Anna is taking care of them.
At CNS everybody is wishing a Happy Mother Day to Anna and Simona

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