Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday May 15

Alright, it is Giuseppe from my "office" working hard.

Today I had my PT I love running I was happy to be able to run. I simply love running here at the center in a proper and safe way. My equilibrium is definitely getting better. So I thank Sarah and Nick -my PT-  for allowing me to run in a safe way at the clinic.

As probably I mentioned to you yesterday I went to the gym and I did Cycle with the instructor, her name is Angie and she is a big supporter of mine. She inquired about Simona and our kids and I inquired about her son, who will come back home this weekend. Her support showed as she bumped my hand on purpose. She is a fan of mine.

At the gym I always meet people that are simply love sport like I do, and they are all big supporter of my effort. So everybody is giving me the thumb up.

In the community of Bakersfield I am pretty well known.

At the gym I also met the manager Naomi, she is a good friend of mine. I always inquire about her daughter and her son, they are always busy with sport activities, like our two boys. Also I met a new receptionist her name is Holly.. I remember because the first rental I had in Pasadena was located in Holly street.
Well it was so long ago.. before getting married and before our kids. So it must have been definitely before  the year 2000 when I got married to Simona.

Today is the last day of Jemena as she is going to maternity leave. She is going to have a girl, her eldest daughter is Sophia and in this way her family is going to be completed.
I know by experience as we have at home two boys( we call them Broccoli)  and when you have little ones it is all easier when they are of the same gender. Our little one, Lapo is 5, and he is the real baby of the family. He  likes plays with all sort of toys and his brother Chicco (8 year old) helps him a lot. There is peace among the boys as long as Chicco goes along with Lapo's will. Well, the geometry of a family needs to be tested once in a while so whenever Chicco plays with Lapo's toys the there is no more peace at home. Chicco is fully responsible and knows what needs to be done to protect the peace.. well this is the dynamic of the boys.

Any way today I had a very yummy lunch. I had a rice salad with a nice rice salad  "a la Anna" my mother in law, and later tostadas from Simona with a nice fruit salad. In the fruit salad I put blueberry to take care of my eyes. You see call me a vane person, but I like to take care of my green eyes, that is why I like the green color and blueberry. Whenever I tell it to Simona- my wife- she laughs and  tells me I should rather take care of either my belly or my nose. Well the former is under my control, the latter it is what it is.

This pictures are part of an elaborate plot to make me look better than I am, so it requires a couple of trials to take and to make me show in shape.. so you see my belly is under camera control!

During the brake I talked with Jackie, she works an CNS and she is expecting a boy. She already has a boy so we were chatting that it is going to be easy with two boys. She mentioned that afterward they will try for a girl.. God bless them!

Anyway Simona is still busy attending a workshop in Germany that has been organized by her thesis advisor (see yesterday posting)
She is fine, as she is well taken care of
Today I am going home preparing my grocery list for Saturday and then hitting the gym.. tonight it is Zumba night. I am  looking forward to it. I am sure I am  going to meet my friends
I need to go
Have a good day

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