Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday May 13 third post

Alright, I am here writing from home
Tonight I am going to celebrate Steve's birthday
Here is the little card I have prepared for him
Steve is a sweet and nice man and over time we become friends
 So it is with great pleasure that I have made this card for him

Earlier I prepared something to eat: a good salad with Chia  seeds and tomatoes, dressed with balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil
A little pinch of salt and it is a really yummy veggie serving

tonight I have prepared chicken drums on a bed of potatoes; also I added some sweet onions that over time have become my favorite side condiments as it is a sweet and tasty food to have in the kitchen

from nursing I got the following ice cream
from Renee my RTC I have received my economist that was due to arrive this week
It has been my favorite magazine to read for about 3 years. I really like it because it offers an overview of the world happening.
So I am going to be outside reading the economist 
It is all well what ends well
Tonight no gym we celebrate Steve's birthday

Simona is well, I called home Chicco was doing his homework wit Anna and Lapo was playing with his Lego blocks.

Lapo is always Lapo, always busy and lost on his own world. Thanks God that he is looking over these boys.
Alright it is my turn to be busy..
Best Regards

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