Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday May 12

Alright, let's start from lunch. I brought Salmon with Quinoa. It is a healthy and good food. Michael always teases me about it, he wonders if in fact it is a beer. He is kidding with me..

Tonight our kids have Taekwon-do. Chicco was home completing his homework with Anna's help while Lapo -our youngest- was already on his way with his best friend Kevon

For dinner I made a refreshing potato salad with green beans and light mayonaise

 Then I had my treat with a little Chevre cheese and a piece of bread
I love it all, as it remembers me the time when I was in France.
Believe me, if you can grab one. At Trader's Joe it is easily available

Tonight I will be going to the gym to do Kickboxing with Christie. While our kids are doing their Taekwon do I am doing mine

Simona is traveling overseas to meet and she will stay there for quite sometime
She is well taken care of by Bijorn her thesis advisor, who now runs a very important lab in Germany.

Well you see we are all well.
As Simona and Sara are telling we are worthy for all the efforts. 
And I appreciate the both of you for your grace and courtesy
So it is all good.
Briefly I will be going to the gym
I need to go
Stay well
Giuseppe and Family

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