Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday May 28

Alright, I am working from the clinic at my blog.
As I have a lot to do, I am starting early, hoping I can get trough everything.

I have a new apartment it is number 321. I started moving my things over there but I don't have any keys yet  nor it is ready for me yet. So last night I went in my old apartment 421.
Anyway the picture of the door of my new place is here: Renee my RTC showed it to me yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the gym anyway, to do  boot camp with Mike. I like working out with him, and he is always joking with me and on my wiliness to do more. Anyway Alexis came with me, at the gym. After my class I had time to spare so I have been taking advantage to do some strengthening.  Here is the picture of me working out at the gym. Alexis was coaching me on how to breath properly based on the exercise.

this morning I wake up in the old apartment and I prepared a yummy breakfast. I kept the picture of Simona my wife with me, as she keeps me company wherever I go and whatever I do. I feel we are connected by a special bond. We are the same face of an angel, and only when we are together we can fly high in the sky. So here it is, I care about my wife, I love her and together with my breakfast -for my belly- a picture of Simona keeps me company for my heart.

The little yellow egg holder is also present I had it from Simona. I use it in the morning to eat one boiled egg.
Of course I combine it with oatmeal,  peanut butter, honey and bread together with granola and milk. 

In today's newspaper I found the front page inspiring, so I took a snapshot of it.

I like it because it says that we will get thought this together

This is what I am thinking when I am giving a boost to my wife Simona, and to our kids Chicco and Lapo.
We are getting trough my accident as a family because we are a family, because we care about each other. I know I care about my wife and my kids, and I know she cares a lot about me. Simona is always busy so I am bugging her as little as possible. I know she needs her strength and focus for her job and our kids.
Beside, Simona knows that my Case Manager Sarah is looking after me. And so we are all good. I checked with Sarah and she told me we are all fine. I trust entirely Sarah and the CNS people, they are always good with me and I am thankful for their job.

Anyway this morning I did yoga at the center with Amy. She is a good teacher and she is always positive with us. We worked on our balance. I thanked here and I gave the following letter for her daughters (Olivia and Madison). It contained a nice thank you note and some stickers for her girls.

They are going to be on vacation as the girls have summer recess. Her  husband is also a teacher, so  the whole family is going to enjoy some time off. She mentioned that they were planning to take the girls to Disneyland. I am sure they are going to have a good time over there. 

After yoga, I had a really good lunch: 

I ate  some panned Tilapia  fish fillet with a medley of  green beans, corn and tomatoes. The whole dressed with olive oil, and balsamic vinaigrette. My food is courtesy of Trader Joe's, where I do all my shopping.
overall I had  really yummy lunch..

God Bless you all! Thank you for reading.

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