Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday May 21st entry

Alright , I am working at my blog from the clinic.
Today is a nice day, not too hot and neither too cold. This morning I had a good breakfast. I had the chance of finally opening the good honey I have at home. It is a natural honey from Trader Joe's. I think it is superior with respect to the one I had purchased thus far.

At the clinic my day has been as following CR, the Yoga with Amy. I gave her stickers from her girls, and some candies as well. She has two girls, Madison and Olivia. Amy's husband is a high-school  teacher and next week he is going to be on vacation.
I am sure he is doing a good job. I can see the impact of good teachers at school on our family.
We have two kids, the broccoli. You can see them in the picture below dressed like pirates..

Chicco -our eldest son  now 8 is on the left hand side above. He  attends III grade in La Canada. He definitely has good teachers and a good school to support his activities.
Our youngest kids Lapo is 5, he is the one on the left hand side. Lapo goes to pre-k at the Children's  Center at Caltech as Simona my wife is an Assistant professor at Caltech University.

this morning I have done Yoga with Amy and I enjoyed very much. She is a really nice person, today I brought her stickers for her daughters.  Her husband is a teacher and next week he is going to be on Vacation.
Today I have also brought some candies for Tami another therapist at the clinic. I know she eats all sort of good food. As  I have candies I have started  bringing candies for her. She has enjoyed my thought.

I enjoyed very much my lunch today: Chicken drums  with potatoes and mushrooms.

Then a healthy salad with spinach and cottage cheese and finally Tostada from Simona.

Today at counselling group we had a person - her name is CALI and she is from Ithaca college. I enjoyed talking with her and to remember how beautiful the fall season is over there. Also how harsh is the winter season. Today during group I was asked how I got injured. And I told them the following story: I am  a professional driving racer driving Ferrari cars in Italy. I was vacationing in the mountains in Savoy and while doing off-road skiing I felt and cracked my helmet on a rock. As a result  I have my TBI.

You see everybody was kidding  with me as they told me I borrowed the story here.
Well obviously I will not be able to race any longer at the level I used to race before my accident. Oh well, I have achieved my eights and all the seven world title I have gained are there to stay. The rest.. well be careful when you are skiing particularly with iced slope.

Alright enough for today I need to go, enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed my self writing this blog.

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