Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sarurday May 17 posting

Alright yesterday I went to the gym and I did Zumba with Honey, while Simona was dancing her own Zumba
I met Drashdee and Norman they both are people from Bakersfierld
At the reception I greeted Asia and James, the latter is a new person at the gym

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night without finding Simona on my Side, I thought she was in the restroom then I realized she was at home with the boys

Well you see it happens to everybody to get confused by space and time.

Anyway this morning I did all the cleaning, and in a short while I am going to do the folding of the endless socks
But you k now you have to do what you have to do

this morning at the park I picked up a bunch of recyclable
Among these there was a party item from the Leprechauns, he is always having fun in the park..
it is all good as I am picking up his party bottles

Ernesto has given me his recyclable as well so now I am fully loaded

Simona is in Europe and will be back the day after tomorrow
I at home Anna is taking care of the boys, the broccoli keep having their regular life thanks to Anna, Marina our nanny, and a bunch of friends who make sure they are always looking afer
You see it is all good.
Thank you
I need to go

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