Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13 2014 Tuesday

Alright yesterday evening -Monday- we went to the gym. I went there with Alexis   and came back with Britney .  I was there together with Chris

At the gym it was   kickboxing  day with Christie, I met my the people that are always at the gym : Drashdee, Damian and Maria
I did not see Leslie nor Jane.

At the gym I greeted Naomi-the manager- Jessica and Gerry: they both work at the gym and are always greeting me with courtesy

As it was late we came back home and then after cleaning up ad a  light snack it was time to bed
So that tomorrow I am fully rested

Simona is in  Germany attending a workshop organized by Bjorn her  thesis advisor from UCLA.
As mentioned to you Bjorn is now the director of the Max Plank Institute in Germany

Simona mentioned that she is working hard and enjoying seeing Bjorn again together  with his  family. His wife is Andrea, and his two  daughters are Saskia and  Annuk,  now teenagers. I remember Annuks' nickname for Bjorn and Andrea is Annuki.

We use to leave nearby when we had a house in Westwood,  Los Angeles. Bjorn purchased a nice little house together with two other professors at UCLA. We all add a good time being over there

Bjorn and his family have always been very friendly with us

Yesterday I called my mom and she told me it was my brother's girlfriend birthday so I sent her an email to wish her a happy birthday. My mom mentioned that my brother alert her at the end of the day.. so she was late in wishing her a happy birthday

In today's newspaper I found a good article for Simona

Also I wrote a good letter to Sarah my Case Manager and brought her some stickers for her son Ian, she mentioned to me that Ian loves stickers so here we go ..
today it is Steve's birthday so I will show up to his party!
Here is the flyer: Steve is a nice person so Happy Birthday Steve!

Have a great day!

Thank you Michael for taking care of my money management for today
All the best

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