Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday March 13 2014 second post

Alright, this is Giuseppe again working on my blog
I had a really good therapy day. The lunch was definitely good. Green beans with cottage cheese and a piece of integral bread. Then I had an orange.
Most definitely a light lunch well suited  for summer time
I later drunk my coffee and now I am ready for the afternoon

This morning I've got paid by Michael, he is in charge of our money management program, Michael is always doing a great job. The program is set such we have to keep the receipt for two weeks, and with the money we pay for food and for outing. The personal shopping is done on a different account handled by the apartment rather than the clinic. There are certain rules on what we can buy with the money, obviously certain items are not accepted.. it is obvious... everybody knows the rules the obvious one is no alcoholic beverage. Nevertheless I tend to joke about it with everybody... and they know I am kidding

Earlier I gave a nice thank you note letter to Sarah my Case Manager, she is always doing a great job with everybody so I feel obliged to her kindness. I also brought stickers  for her little son, as I know he likes stickers

Today at Yoga at talked with Amy -our Yoga teacher-  and asked about her two daughter Madison and Olivia. She mentioned they are all fine. In chatting with her she mentioned that they both love stickers so tomorrow I am going t bring them the few stickers that I have at home. Whenever I go to do shopping at Trader Joe's  I grab stickers that I then distribute around the clinic. It is a nice gesture and a memory task for me. I also bring the bags so I got a sticker for the raffle and I put in Simona's number. Soon or later we will receive a call .. a winning call.

Yesterday it was my brother's girlfriend birthday. Her name is Sara, I send her a note for a Happy Birthday. She is definitely happy for my thoughts; she sounds a bit reflective on the time that passes by. I guess this is a condition for everybody, time goes on for all of us. Our inner strength is to accept the changes and to move on with life

Simona sent me an email, she is well. Right now she is on the other side of the ocean as she is attending a conference in Germany. She is a very busy woman and she always find time to let me know about her whereabouts. In the meanwhile, as mentioned earlier to you, her mom Anna and Marina our nanny are going to take care of the broccoli

Both Chicco and Lapo are well.
You can see them in the pictures above with some of their preferred toys, which are of course Lego blocks
Well these are the boys, they love spending time building and reassembling their Lego blocks. At home they have a few big chest boxes filled with Lego.. it is a race between us and the company to see who is coming up with the latest creation. I believe the broccoli are winning it all.
They are always winning the most important race of their life; it is to be happy and kiddos. We all know it and we are proud of them
Well it is time for me to go. Time for happy hours at CNS
Best regards

1 comment:

  1. What a positive post! You forgot to mention that your money is always organized a prepared appropriately.
