Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday May 20 2014

It is a good day to be here.  The weather is cloudy and relatively mild today, I thought I would have been warmer.  Today I am wearing my favorite BOSS tracksuit   as every Tuesday and Wednesday I have  yoga at the clinic with Miss Amy. She is a nice lady, her two daughters Olivia and  Madison are really nice person. I care about her family and she cares about mine. For instance the nice picture below  has been given to me by her  girls.  In exchange I send them stickers and wrote them a nice letter. I think we are all friends.

My  breakfast this morning  has been uneventful; a regular diet.  I am eating  what I like to eat and I am liking right now my oatmeal.

Anyway it is really good to have oatmeal, peanut butter and honey with rye bread. Of course milk and coffee is a must for breakfast. I measure my daily intake by myself using my cell phone, so I have everything under control. The CNS dietitian meal plan is just for your reference. I don't use it much.

Today I learnt that yesterday Dusting, speech therapist  at CNS, has passed his CBIS test (like Sarah) and he was last night out to celebrate the event. It is odd that I have not been invited to his event.. but c'est la vie.

I made another note to self that tomorrow I am planning to bring for Tami a bunch of sneak candies bar  that I have at the apartment (not my home as my home is here .. I invite to visit this link as Simona's car (her  yellow WW Beaetle   is parked outside next to Marina's on. Marina is our nanny, she is taking a good care of our kids, We feel she is part of our extended family).

Let me say to you  all of you  : " Excusatio no petita accusatio manifesta" .. it is Latin and  I am sure  you all know what it refers to. I know it and by now you are also aware of it; so let's move on from this little mixed up from the CNS organization. It is not the first and I am sure it is not going to be the last. And as I am a square person-   my reaction will always be the same. Any company that value its performance strive  to achieve the  maximum customer's satisfaction possible, as a result when I see a poor job done, like yesterday I don't hesitate to state that  in fact  it is a poor job done. It is called Customer Satisfaction.

I have always been in my carrier a straight shooter, you can't achieve in life much if you are not ready to struggle a bit with the environment and with the people defining the environment.

Well what is done is done.. can't change it (Sara- my Case Manager docet) but you can at least have your voice heard in the middle of everybody. So the next time it is better. Let's see what happens the next time
Thanks for reading

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