Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday May 22 2014

Alright this is my entry for today's blog.
Let's start from yesterday, well as it was Wednesday I went to the gym as usual. I did there cycle with Angie. She is an instructor at the gym and she was kind enough to take a picture with me. So here it is!

Her son is doing well, he is attending military school in another state and he is doing well. Angie is a big supporter of mine, she is always asking about my family and about my recovery.

So here she is with me and in a thumb up pose. 

I   then started doing  body pump with Silvia and then my coverage was over so we came home.
Dijane coverage is acknowledged as she was over there with me at the gym.

For my safety the agreement with CNS is that I am allowed to go at the gym only when an NRS is coming with me. Yesterday as I met Larry and Janice and many other friends I started to go around the gym to great everybody, and for a second I was out of sign from my NRS so she become worried about my whereabouts. As she realized where I was she was much happier as she become worried that she had lost me. Well it is all fine.

Today at the clinic I have been running, and I did almost 2 miles. The key is that I am starting running faster and in a safer way.

I had a good lunch.. vegetarian and satisfying. 

Here is me enjoying been in the lunch room, where everybody was helping me out. 

 Today it is Tami's  wedding anniversary so I gave here a cart that I have prepared to wish her all the best.
Also Today's it is Ignacio's  Birthday, he is turning 11 years old. So I wished Jackie a happy birthday.
Simona and our kids are well, they are all holding together with Anna's help. Anna is Simona's mom and she is going to stay here in US for another month.

Marina - our trustful nanny  is helping at home as well. Our kiddos consider her as part of our family. Rightly so as she is really taking care of our house and of our family.

I think that Anna is a big part of the reason why Simona is being able to go to work and leave Anna in charge of the house.

Beside  the house, Anna helps a lot with our eldest son's homework.  Chicco is now 8 years old and attend III grade while Lapo is 5 years old and goes to pre-K. They are really good boys. They require a lot of energy and focus. So my wife Simona has been recruiting all the help she could have to keep running the house, keep running her team at the university and keep having as well some energy to think about herself. This is my wife Simona. Isn't she beautiful? Well as a matter of fact she is an Angel and she is always watching over me from a distance. I know that she is very busy running from a distance everybody, me included. So I am acknowledging her help and watchful help and patience with me.

About me? Well it is really interesting as everybody here at CNS is looking over everybody in particular my Case Manager -Sara is always watching over my shoulder to make sure I am OK.

You see as Sarah knows I like doing my PT in the morning she is quite often offering me the chance to run in the morning after some therapy. As I am getting stronger and faster I have been running more and at a faster pace. Clearly all this running make me thirsty..really thirsty,  as a result I need to drink a lot of water.

Well, today I will be going to the gym again to do Zumba with Mike. Mike is a nice person he has 4 children and he is always worked out a lot but he is Blessed as he as a large and supporting family

At the gym as published earlier everybody is encouraging me to do better and to do more
I think I need to go
Have a great day

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