Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday May 11 posting Mother's Day posting

Let's start from yesterday afternoon activities.

After doing grocery shopping and the usual activities of the Saturday (see ( previous post) I went to catch a movie at the Maya theater. The movie title is Neighbors .

The neighbors is a nice movie about a fraternity colliding  with their neighbors leaving nearby their frat-house. The young neighbor people have a little daughter kid, and they are very found of her.

 The story goes that the family near the fraternity house is trying to contain the outburst of its  neighbor  while being  focused in rising its daughter.

The fraternity increasing parties and loud behavior does affect the daily life of the young couple.
At first the couple tries to connect with the fraternity but when things get too loud they resolve to get in touch with the police.
At this point things get out of hand and the fraternity retaliates by increasing its erratic and noisy behavior and loud parties.

By trying to survive the young couple manages  to elaborate a plan to make the fraternity fails its behavior  probation with school. They in fact help organize the next party and help invite all sort of people so that things get easily our of control.

Some of the members though realize that things are going too far and they are trying to pull out, it is too late for the local police that is already present at the scene. The police acknowledges that the fraternity has failed its probation terms and as a result the Provost of the university -played by Lisa Kudrow is that she is going to fail the members of the fraternity

However the president of the fraternity played by Zach Affron manages to pick up the pieces and absorbs on himself  the happening. In doing so he manages to protect his house from the university

  At the movie  theater I met Larry and Janice who sat next to me

Last night I called home back in Italy.

My mom was about to have lunch with my brother Francesco and Sara his soon wife to be ( They are getting married at the end of the month).

  My mom was visiting my brother house and my brother Francesco was preparing grilled fish with parmigiana (eggplant).
They all are in Verona my home town in Italy
If you follow the link above you will see more images, in my apartment I took a picture of the post cards  handing to the wall of my living room

Francesco's two cats Farang and Morgana were enjoying  the sun and also the smell of fish

Simona is on a plane to to
Hamburg for a conference organized by Bjorn her thesis advisor at UCLA

Bjorn directs now the Marx Plank Institute in Hamburg

I am sure she will meet his family as well

The broccoli are at home sleeping. They are with Anna- Simona's mom- and will keep their regular schedule thanks to Marina who will be driving then to their different activities and thanks to Anna who will be watching over their well being.
So it is all good!

Alright as mentioned to you Simona is in Germany for this week attending a workshop organized by his thesis advisor Bijorn. Our kids are taken care by Anna, Simona's mom and by Marina who is shuttling them around Pasadena for their weekly activities

Happy Mother's day to all of you
Giuseppe, Simona and family

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