Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday May 17 afternoon posting

I went to Trader Joe's to go Grocery shopping with other patient.
It is a good experience since I meet all the people I know from the community.
Among them I normally  greet Jamie, she has a girl Delaney and she is going to be 5 in July, then she has a boy Logan and he is 2.5 year old. He is a real  live little kid. Delaney right now is home schooled since she is Diabetics, so Jamie and Thorn -her husband- are waiting  to see an endocrinologist to hear about the progress of their daugher.

 As usual I met people that I know and trust. 
At Trader Joe's I also met  Briana, her mom Luz and a friend of theirs.
This friend of them - Meredith- is from New Jersey and she is here to keep company to Luz.

Briana used to work her at CNS and now she has left to work for a center with autistic  children
I am happy to meet them in the community. I will see Luz tomorrow at  St. Francis Church here in Bakersfield (H street). Hopefully Briana will be there as well.
At trader Joe's I got a couple of more pictures with Meredith
 And another friend of mine, his name is  Andy
 I remember that one day that I was short by 10 bucks Andy helped me out by giving me that money
The following week I gave it back promptly and said  thank you for your kindness.
He was pleased to see this gesture of mine. So from that day I am always saying hi to him.
As usual I've got stickers for Ian-my Case Manager's Sara's son... It is a memory task for me and a way to show that I remember about her family as well.

Finally as I brought the bags, Simona's phone number was entered for the raffle.. it is as well a memory task for me and a way to show my love for Simona my wife

Earlier today my invaluable RTC - Renee came with a number of papers to sign about my coverage at the apartment and at the gym. She also came here to fix a loose screw of my glasses and now my glasses are like new. The screw got loose yesterday at the clinic so we have been securing it with tape and it has worked!
Anyway I will need to go to see dr Garbus soon or later, he is the  neuro optometrist of reference for CNS

In the picture above you can see me with my  brand newly washed hat and together with my belly that is keeping me company and always  in balance..

I am trying to work out and to eat less, with this heat I am cutting my carbs.. in particular I am cutting out completely any carbs from  beer.. we understand each other..I am sure that by keep drinking water my belly will come in as new.. this is way at the clinic I am always skipping the Happy Hour.. too much carb for me..

Coming back to my conversation with Rene we had the chance to touch base as she sked me weather I  needed to go to do Personal shopping on Tuesday. As I don't need anything this time I will be able to have coverage to go to the gym.
On Monday I will be doing Kickboxing with Christie
 On Tuesday it is boot camp day with Mike
On Wednesday it is cycle with Angie
On Thursday Zumba with Mike
On Friday Zumba toning Honey

If I have more coverage, I can do more classes and or more work out. I normally meet  Larry and Janice two good friends of mine here in the community

I posted a picture from the both of them some time ago. They are two good persons here in the community

Simona is coming back from her trip tomorrow and in the meanwhile Anna my mother in law keeps the Broccoli- our kids-  well taken care off. I called home today and as Chicco went to play tennis I greeted Lapo who was busy playing with his Lego, nevertheless he found a few moments to blow me a kiss then we zipped right away to play.
You know Lapo is Lapo.. Anna -Simona's mom- is such a wonderful ladies as she is taking care of our kids.

My mom is also well, and she is back in Italy, she is fine but she is not as proficient with this country and with our family as Anna is.
Today is Sunday in Italy and  my mom is going to have a quite day with her friends invited for dinner
My brother Francesco is going to ride is bike with his girlfriend and soon to be wife.

Today I am going to the movie  to see  Million Dollar Arm

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