Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday May 24 second posting Anna

I forgot to mention that  Anna-my mother in law- Anna is helping Chicco-  our eldest one- with his homework. Right now they are busy working on a research project about the  Chumash people. They were the native American   people who lived along the coast of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara. Anna is very helpful at home with Chicco's homework. She helps a lot running the whole house, keeping track of the boys, making sure their are well fed and dressed, and making sure they do their homework correctly. In this regard Anna is significantly helping my wife Simona with the boys. Anna's is a very nice person, she is proficient with the language as English is a passion of her and back in Italy she was a professor of English at the high school. I guess my wife Simona has learn to speak such a good English from  her mom Anna.

Well this is it for today, now I am going to write home.

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