Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday May 9 2014

let's start from yesterday
As I came home from my therapy I compiled my grocery list for Saturday and provided to the receptionist
Also since my RTC wanted to take a new picture of me, I went to the receptionist to get my picture taken again.
Since Simona has had a chance to renew my membership at the gym,  yesterday I went  to do Zumba with Mike. Dianna came with me to do my coverage. Over there I met many people I know from the area. Drashdee, Maria, Luis, Kashi, her mom, briefly a lot of people that like going to the gym like me.
Naomi, the gym manager called me yesterday to thank me for my continuous support of the gym membership
I have passed along her thought to Simona as well
Naomi is always kind with me, she has a 10 years old daughter and a 6 years old boy

At the gym I normally say hi to Lydian, Darlene and Carlos.  There are also many other people over there but I can not remember their names.

Anyway today I did some running in the morning, Sarah knows that I love to start my day with a good exercise so I was expecting  and looking forward for this activity.
I had the chance to run for about one a half mile
it is my RT for today! Whenever I am running I have a blast!

Early one I greeted Sarah and gave her a thank you note with some stickers for Ian her youngest son
Sarah is always working hard for everybody and particularly she is looking over my recovery
This is way I like to start my day by taking a picture of my healthy breakfast first, then of the person that are the closest to me. My family, my wife Simona and of course Sarah my case manager

Speaking of breakfast, I started to eat some healthier breakfast, right now I having a blast with Oatmeal, it is really yummy and healthy. Somehow  I following my menu for breakfast.. or at least I am trying hard to follow the  menu I have in the apartment

As I am writing to you, this morning we worked together with a CR therapist on a mind bender, it was a good exercise and we worked on a couple of tricky ones that where really tough. I am happy that I had a lot of help in solving the mind bender and that the therapist has provided me with the help I need to move along

As usually to strengthen my memory I took the paper to OT, while I did this I remember I left my backpack in the office of a CR therapist so I back tracked to her office and now I got everything with me

You see all this exercise it to strengthen my memory and to become more alert of my surrounding

It is getting better, but at days it is hard.
Today I have also screwed up my schedule, I thought I was on OT but in fact I had CR so what it is done is done .. like Sarah says. Focus on the next task
This weekend my wife Simona is going to Hamburg, Germany to meet with her thesis advisor Bijorn
I am sure I talked to you earlier, anyway we have become close friend with his family since we were all leaving in Westwood, LA
I remember that Bijorn had a nice house with two other professors at UCLA.
Simona is going to be in Hamburg visiting Bijorn the whole next week
Our kids are going to be taken care by Anna my mother in law-Simona's mom
Anna is a wonderful lady like Simona, she is helping a lot in the house, and our kids love her very much
As she use to be a teacher in Italy, she helps a lot Chicco with his homework, and she looks after Lapo
Lapo is the little one of the family, Marina our nanny calls him Earthquake ("terremoto")
In fact Lapo is the real force of the family. Both our kids are full of energy
I am sure I have talked about them extensively before
I need to go
Have a good weekend everybody
Simona I love you please be careful

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