Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday May 4 2014

Alright, let me back track a bit
Yesterday at Trader Joe's I met Jamie and we chatted a bit about our families. She mentioned that her husband Thorn is well, both her daughter Logan and  Delaney are well.
Delaney has  type I diabetic so right now she is home-schooled until she will be a bit older to understand better what to eat and what not to eat
We chatted a bit about Simona and our kids. She sends her best regards to my family
While shopping over there I met Margaret that I use to meet at S. Francis homeless shelter. She mentioned she is fine, that Father Greg is well, although his mom passed away last Easter.
I am sadden by this news, I know anyway that she is in good hands

Yesterday we went to the movie at the Maya theater . We saw Spider man 2 a good action packed movie
The story is good and Spider man is is  in love  with his girl and his super power
  However a dark secret about his past hangs over his head
Then he realizes that being himself and being together with his loved one are the most important accomplishment of his live
However during the battle his loved one passes away  but after a period of mourning he realizes that life Is going on despite everything and he goes back to be spiderman
In the picture is me with Shawn a person that I always meet at the Maya theaer
He is always kind with me and check on what I am going to see then he encourages me always to watch the movies

 This morning I wake up early as usual then I did a good mile in the park and   had a good breakfast t per the picture below: a healthy way to start my day  

As I was taking care of other business I had the chance to wash both my shorts as they really needed to have some cleaning. So now I have two set of short both cleaned and ready to use.
You see since it is getting really hot here I like to wear short. To tell the truth I need to start tanning as well, as  right now I am pale.

 this morning Zena did my coverage
We talked about our families, about her nieces and about the broccoli

 I mentioned her that our kids love maccaroni and cheese and I showed her this picture of Lapo eating his favorite meal
We also talked about my brother Francesco and my sister Isabella.
About Francesco's upcoming wedding in Italy
Francesco is going to marry Sarah at the end of May, then they will go to Indonesia as honeymoon.
The are asking their guests to contribute to the honeymoon at their bests

this is that has become popular among our circle as Simona and I started the trend when we got married in 2000. Our wedding present was our honeymoon in Sicily a place that is very dear to the both of us
If you ever have a chance to swing by Sicily, please try the local food because it is really tasty
From the top of my head I can recommend you Pasta alla Norma ( pasta with eggplant), then Ziti (a short type of Pasta). To our opinion Arancini in Sicily is really good and in itself it is worth the trip
I have to say we are definitely biased  with food in Sicily

Anyway switching gear a bit I talked to Chicco this morning  and he was going to church to Cathechism
He is going to do first communion and  confirmation all together at home at S.Bede the local church in La Canada
Well I just talked to Jamie and confirmed that this Tuesday I am going to go for a hair cut at Super cut.
As it is getting warmer and warmer I really would like to have shorter hair (number 2 and tapered on the side) nothing crazy but something easier to mantain
Anyway as already mentioned many time before my brother and sister in Italy are shown in the picture below
we were a bit younger in this picture which probably was taken 30 years ago. At the time it is true I had straight hair then 

Tom is here to visit me I need to go

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