Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Morning posting May 18

Yesterday we went to the movie to see a million dollar arm.
It is a great movie full of hope and strength, particularly it is a movie about not giving up, and faced with difficulties learning to listen to the people who care about us.
The movie plot goes such that a baseball coach looking for a way to reinforce its team decides to travel to India to recruit some cricket players. Based on the results of the trials they assemble a team of talents.
When they flight them to US the players are a bit disoriented and lost. Away from home they don't know how to get going.
In the meanwhile the  coach's girlfriend mentions to him that to get the results he is hoping for, he needs to show his team that he cares about them
So the coach is changing is behaviour and the results are spectacular

At the movie I met Danielle, she was working here at CNS. She mentioned that she is a dispatcher at the police department in Bakersfield.
She was kind enough to snap this picture with him. As usual I am there with my thumb up!

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