Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday May 19

Alright quickly I am writing to you from my office at CNS
Simona and the kids are fine, Simona did reach home yesterday night, she is coming back from her business trip to Europe
Everybody is well, me in primis

I normally do recyclable on a Sunday afternoon, and Ernesto another patient here at CNS always gives me his recyclable to bring over the center. Ernesto is a very nice and kind person. When I see him we always talk about our family and wife. His son Diego and daughter Jahaida  are doing well. Diego is probably 6 years old while his daughter is now 13 years old. They are always busy in sport like Chicco and Lapo our two sons

This morning Lupe- the apartment house keeper- helped me by bringing to my apartment  some big dark  bags I am using for doing  recyclable as I was completely out.

here is me taking the bus this morning happy to get on the van to come to CNS.
I am always goofing around..

While leaving I remembered that I left at home the stickers that I've got at Trader Joe's. So they waited for me and I got some for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of my wonderful Case Manager Sarah. So you see every Saturday I am going to do Grocery Shopping I am doing the following routine:
- I bring the bags so that Simona's phone number is entered in the raffle 
- I get strikers for Ian
Sarah knows it and she is fine with it.
You see they are all memory task for me. So here we go as I am getting better and stronger I am following my path to get better.
Anyway this is all for today I need to go to change for my PT session
Alright this is the result of my PT session today. Sarah knows I like to run and she is doing her best to keep me moving, in a safe and proper way. Nick my PT therapist has thought me to use the threadmi

my lunch has been a yummy Tilapia with a cucumber salad.. 
I  need to go, thanks

Thank you for reading

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