Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday May 23 posting

it is a nice day in Southern California. It is getting warmer and warmer in Bakersfield, today it is going to be 79 F.

My day started with a very yummy breakfast together with my family and a picture of Sara, my fearless Case Manager. Sara is doing her best to make me stronger and more independent, and I appreciate everything she is doing for me and enduring from me. Sara's best line is that "we are worthy", I am sure we are worthy for everybody's  effort.

Today I had my daily stroll at the park where I get my  newspapers. There are two stands near the apartment, the one in the park is always working while the one near the apartments is quite often jammed.
So I learnt to go to the one farther in the park.

I like walking over there in the morning, it is a good routine to start my day.
As I snapped this picture of the Park sign and so here it is.

This is a picture of me  in the park showing it is a good day! 

At  the clinic I worked  at my PT. I run on the treadmill a couple of miles. As I am getting stronger and faster I can run more and more. Sara knows it and Nick my PT therapist are aware that I like it, so they let me run. Always in a safe way.

Later on after my PT we went with Erika-sama at  the local Starbucks from some community work. We drove with her nice Prius. As usual I snapped an Image of her number plate from the back.
 If you look closely you will see an image of me reflected above the Toyota logo. I am the guy with the hat. My hat says Caltech dad.

Erika-sama is a nice therapist full of attention and care for everybody.
While at Starbucks  I asked a gentleman who was seating next to us to take a picture of me as I am compiling this memory book for my - and your- record.

with Erika-sama we worked on  reordering 7 numbers from largest to smallest.
Today my score was 90% as compared to 30% from last time I worked on it.

Erika-sama is such a wonderful person and I like very much working with her. Her daughter Sun is getting bigger and bigger. Sun is now 6  months old and about to go for her immunization shots.

You know I  normally call Miss Erika as Erika-sama. Here is the reason: Erika-sama comes  from Japan and in Japan the courtesy for for ladies is to add the prefix Sama after their name. On the other hand for a man you use San. So for instance when I was going to Japan, I would become  Giuseppe-san.
To my experience Japan is a nice country to be, very safe and very well run. I personally think that however  businessman in Japan do smoke too much. I believe that it is because they all are working really hard, with long commute to work and long working hours. So somewhere you need a valve  for letting it go.

My brother Francesco is getting married to Sara at  the end of the month of May.  As  wedding presents and honeymoon the couple has asked the participants to make them as a gift their honeymoon.
They decided to go to Thailand  for a couple of weeks starting at the end of May.
Now as you know, Thailand  is  in the news as there has been a military coup.

Talking back home to my mom, she mentioned that thus far the Italian government has not told tourists to change their plans. So my brother Francesco and his wife-to-be Sara have not changed their plan yet.
My mom is a bit concerned but I am sure that it is going to be alright for them.
Alright it is lunch time.
I need to go.
Enjoy the reading.

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