Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14 post lunch posting

Alright, let's say that if it were in July it would be the 14th of July, which a National Holiday in France (Fete de la Bastille) . For that we have to wait a couple of months

Well for that you will have to wait a bit longer

Well this morning we did Yoga with Amy. I brought to her stickers for Olivia and Madison her two daughters. Over time we have learn about each other families. She inquires about Simona and our kids and I ask about her daughters and husband

Once her daughters gave me a nice drawing and in exchange  gave her stickers and drawing to her girls

Anyway, after yoga it was time for another class and then for lunch.   I brought a very good  food with me.

this is my healthy lunch: chicken drumstick with baked  tiny potatoes and a side of a salad, finally tostadas from Simona

after lunch I went outside to drink my coffee and to chat with all the patients and  therapists that were enjoying the nice weather outside.
Over there I notice that Shafneeke has new shoes, so I snapped a picture, and here it is: 

Simona my wife is in Hamburg, Germany until this Sunday attending a workshop organized by Bijorn her thesis advisor. By following the link above you will see that Bijorn is now director of the Marx Plank Institute and he is also serving as a professor at the Hamburg University.

I posted about him yesterday anyway, Simona sounds happy to see Bjorn's family but she is feeling the  time zone difference with Germany and she is out of direct contact for a while. Despite this she always find the time to send me an email. So this is the way we keep in touch.

She is going to call me if she can, the fact is that in the evening she is always tire from the day and because of the time zone difference. So it is understandable that she needs to care of herself and she needs to calibrate her energy
At home things are going fine, Anna -Simona's mom- and my mother in law takes care of our kids 
Marina-our nanny- shuttles our kids to the different activities in the La Canada area.

Today when I am going back to the apartment I need  to do a couple of thins. 
I need to wait until 5pm to book the movie for Saturday and then prepare food for tomorrow
I will then be going to the gym to do Cycle and Body pump. I hope I have enough coverage to do all.
At the gym I normally meet many people from Bakersfield that I know.

I enjoy cooking a lot particularly cooking healthy food 
I always invite the RTC at the apartment to eat with me ... (I know it is against the rules) so anyway I am always pulling their legs so that I am waiting for the day they are going to answer yes..
At the apartment I enjoying every single second to talk with everybody and to kid with everybody
Everyday I am coming up with a new story about what I have misplaced or what kind of work needs to be done to our car. Most of the time, the maintenance guys have a good time providing me with a witty answer and so we kid each other and we have a good time
  Alright, I believe it is ti me for me to go
Please enjoy the reading

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