Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday May 8 2014

Alright yesterday for dinner I had a good Italian pizza
It was frozen so I just put in the oven for 20 minutes. Afterward I had my pizza with Cranberry Juice  per Larry's instruction

As mentioned in another post  Larry and Janice are two good friends of mine that I meet at the gym. 

A picture of myself with Larry is shown below (I had his permission to post it).

This is Larry and Janice his wife.

This morning my day started really well with a healthy breakfast and Clarissa coverage. we talked about her very little daughter Naveah, she is just a few months old.

I thanked her for her coverage this morning and then went on with my day
The picture below is from my morning surrounded by my family and the person that are close to me

Today I have enjoyed very much my therapy and I also gave Sarah my Case Manager a thank you note for her together with some stickers for Ian her youngest  son.

Today at the clinic I have been doing my best to run on the PT gym and also I have been using a good machine that was available before the thread-mil.
I know they have really good machine her so I take advantage of every available piece of equipment.

Speaking of doing sport few days ago  Simona  renewed my membership at the gym   so I can go as much as I can. Naomi-the gym Manager- called me today during lunch to thank me for my renewal and she told me that she was inviting me to go tonight as well. I will go for sure tonight for Zumba.
My wife Simona is certainly busy with her own Zumba at home!

Speaking of Simona this Saturday she will be  leaving to go to visit her thesis advisor to Munich, Germany. She is going to be back on Sunday May 18. 

You see everybody has its own Zumba ...

At lunch I saw Renee Ventura my RTC (Residential Treatment Coordinator) and she confirmed to me that the CNS staff is not allowed to join me to work out with me because of liability issues. So I understand it very well. Everybody is so well organized and so well focused on its task

Today I had lunch with a Chris  and his wife Lisa. She is a teacher and he is a Principal of the local school district
I showed them the picture of our boys. The eldest (Chicco) is 8 and goes to III grade while our youngest (Lapo) is 5 and goes to Pre-K.
They liked the picture of my family very much

I mentioned that In California we need a good education system as it is the basis for growing up healthy and having a lot of opportunity for the future.

Alright, I need to go 
It is all for today
All the bests, thanks

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